Sunday, 17 April 2016

Representation - construction

Learning objectives: 
To analyse how texts have been constructed to represent young people in Britain.

Key words:

The aspects that make up any media text will have been constructed to achieve an effect.
This finished construction, particularly in factual texts gives an illusion of reality that becomes accepted by an audience as the truth.
Documentary, fly on the wall section of a programme like Strictly Come Dancing constructs a narrative that positions the audience through the editing of film footage. The hours of film footage have been edited down to present a particular view of a character or situation in order to manipulate the emotions of the audience.

For the programme, Educating Essex, the hidden cameras were placed in the school for several weeks and the final episodes of the programme were constructed from that footage.
Characters were focused upon and narratives were created but we were not really seeing real life in that school, we were only seeing a selected representation.

Task 1: Answer the following question. Orange books.
How have the texts below been constructed to represent young people?
(Daily Star and Newsnight)
Consider the following:

  • The connotations of the headline; Anarchy In The UK.
  • The visual codes
  • The Framing of the photos.
  • Narrative construction Todorov.
  • Binary opposition.
  • The main messages being conveyed about British young people.
  • The reasons behind this ideological construction.

A related text is the Newsnight interview with David Starkey about the riots in England.
David Starkey is a historian who stated about the riots that: 'Whites have become black'.
This seemed to equate the ethnicity of black youths with criminality and gang culture.
After the programme, social media erupted and there were 700 complaints about his remarks.

David Starkey can be said to function as an opinion leader (as set out in the two step flow theory).
The interesting part of the event was that because of the unpredictable nature of the outbreaks of rioting, the opinion leaders were community leaders, Twitter users and ordinary members of the public who were witnessing events as they happened and interpreting them for the news audience.

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