Thursday, 17 December 2015

Film poster conventions

Learning objectives: To annotate a film poster considering key conventions.

Key terms:
Hyperbole - This is over exaggerated language used to enhance the attraction of the text and the experience.
Copy - This is the writing on the media text.
Mark of quality - This is usually the film logo, the director's name or references to other successful films made by the director. These are used to convince the audience that this new film is a quality product.


The images and copy on a film poster will usually give a clue to the genre of the film.

Iconography - this is another clue to the genre of the film being promoted. The objects, background, clothing and setting will establish the genre of the film.

-Film Noir iconography-

Promise of pleasure - these are the words and phrases that tell the audience what they will experience through watching the film. For example; fear, laughter etc

Star billing - the positioning of the images or the names of the stars on the poster.
Often, a hierarchy of importance will be evident.

Stars - the stars can also give a clue to the genre - Jennifer Aniston is associated with romantic comedies and Harrison Ford with action / adventure films.

The tag line - this is the memorable phrase or slogan that becomes associated with the film and appears on the marketing material.

The image - this will have been carefully constructed and may suggest the narrative of the film and the role of the key characters.

Language and mode of address - this will be persuasive and often makes use of hyperbole (I've told you a million times what hyperbole is!)

Expert critiscism - quotes from newspapers, film and magazines and reviews suggesting the quality of the film and making it a 'must see'.


Task 1: Write out the key terms above in a new page in your orange books


Task 2: Annotate the film poster below using the handout provided; Bridesmaids

Consider: Quotes, mode of address, expert witnesses, visual codes, technical codes, star rating.

Quotes - make comparisons with films that would attract a similar audience.

Mark of quality - refers to other successful films of a similar genre.

The film title - is a hook and, combined with the image, gives the audience an idea of what to expect.

The mode of address - is direct and challenging and subverts the connotations of the title.

Expert witnesses - are used in the quotes to suggest that the film is unmissable.

The body language - of the actors is provocative and challenges what the audience might expect of real bridesmaids.

Costume - gives the characters individual personalities that we assume will be explored as part of the film's narrative. The bride is clearly identified in a conventional dress but she appears unconventional and shares similar characteristics to the other characters.

Save the date - is a persuasive technique which suggests that everyone will be going to see the film and audience members should not get left out.

Star ratings - suggest the good quality of the film.

Colour codes - suggest a romantic comedy; however, we can tell through other codes such as facial expression that the film has other elements.

Task 3: Complete your annotation.
Task 4: Peer assessment

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