Friday, 11 December 2015

MS-2 Requirements

MS2 requirements

MS2: Media Production Processes. You are required to submit:

Three components: one pre-production (20); 
one production which develops from the pre-production (40); 
and one report on the production process (40)

(Group work permitted for audio-visual productions only.)

Submission of Ideas: 15.1.16

Submission of Pre Production: 22.1.16

Submission of Production: 12.2.16

Submission of Evaluation: 26.2.16

A look at some audio visual exemplar work.

A look at Print based exemplar work:

For MS2 which is the coursework submission part of your AS qualification, you have the option to produce print based artefacts. This includes the creation of for example:

  • A storyboard of the trailer for a new BBC1 television crime drama (pre- production) and the trailer for that drama (production)
  • A script or shooting script for the opening sequence of a teen horror film (pre- production) and a marketing campaign for a new teen horror film, to include at least the dvd cover and one poster (production)
  • Draft designs for two magazine front covers (pre-production) and a double page spread for one of those magazines (production
In order to enhance awareness of the standard of work expected you are to award grades to the following exemplar work using WJEC marking criteria.

The marking criteria is below 

Use the above guidelines to grade the submitted work seen below. Write in your books awarding a level and justifying your award with a sentence or two which corresponds to the marking criteria.
Pre-Production 1 (two covers)

Production 1 (dps)

Evaluation 1


Additional exemplar work can be found in the student share drive.
Student share>Media>Year 12 Mr Ealey>AS MS Exemplar

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