Tuesday 27 October 2015

Representation - class

Learning objective:
In Week 3 Classwork I will:
Explore the representation of class in Media. 
I will research texts dealing with the issue of class and describe the different ways that working, middle and upper class people have been represented in the media. 

Learning Objective:
You will research a text that deals with the representation of class, Our Friends in the North, and comment on how class has been represented in the media.

Representation of social class 

    Watch this clip and comment on the representation of class.
    Using the questions indicated in previous sessions as a guide.

      Homework Week 3: Analyse a short video clip of the Olympic opening ceremony and discuss how the issue of class has been represented.

      Literacy focus: Use Media terminology to define working class stereotypes. 

      Numeracy: Produce a visual timeline showing representation of working classes on British TV.

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